I am an Associate Professor in Linguistics at the University of Kansas and am an affiliated faculty member in the Kansas African Studies Center. My research explores syntax, semantics, and morphology, and their interfaces. I use fieldwork on understudied languages, particularly Bantu languages of East Africa, to inform our theoretical model.
[photo credit: Margit Bowler] |
2020. The Science of Syntax: An Open Education Resource for introductory syntax.
Under review. The Tough Construction in Generative Syntax. Here's a draft. [Comments are welcome!]
2020. The Science of Syntax: An Open Education Resource for introductory syntax.
Under review. The Tough Construction in Generative Syntax. Here's a draft. [Comments are welcome!]
- In prep. (with Travis Major) Quotative Markers in Naming Contexts
- In prep. (with Amer Asiri) Arabic Nunation: New Insights from Tihami Arabic
- In prep. Copular Complementizers.
- In prep. (with Phil Duncan, Peace Benson, and Jamie Hudson) More Patterns of A'-movement Reflexes.
- In revision. (with Aron Finholt) A preliminary typology of causal clauses in Bantu Languages
- Under review. (with Amer Asiri). Revisiting definiteness: Insights from two types of definite articles in Tihami Arabic. (Draft)
- Accepted. Bantu Complementizers: Forms and Functions. In Proceedings of ACAL 54 at the University of Connecticut
- 2024. Proleptic Objects as Complex-NPs in The Linguistic Review. (Online early access)
- 2023. (with Aron Finholt) A corpus analysis of Swahili's dual-complementizer system. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 44(1), 25-48. https://doi.org/10.1515/jall-2023-2005
- 2022. Perspectival Domains in Nouns and Clauses. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-022-09544-3 (Accepted version)
- 2021 (With Margit Bowler) Gradability across Grammatical Domains. Linguistic Variation. 21(2): 281-321. https://doi.org/10.1075/lv.20003.bow
- 2021 The Meaning of the Tough-Construction. Natural Language Semantics, 29(3): 453-499 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11050-021-09181-3 (Online access here.)
- 2021 Taking Time with the Tough-Construction. Journal of Linguistics. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1017/S002222672100013X
- 2021 Null Expletives and Embedded Clauses in Logoori. Syntax. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1111/synt.12212
- 2020 (With Margit Bowler). The Expression of Modality in Logoori. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 41(2):195-238. https://doi.org/10.1515/jall-2020-2010.
- 2020. (With Anthony Yates). Voice Reversals and Syntactic Structure: Evidence from Hittite Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1) .
- 2016. The Anticausative Alternation in Luragooli. Diversity in African Languages: Selected Papers from the 46th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Doris Payne, Sara Pacchiarotti, Mokaya Bosire (eds). Contemporary African Linguistics, vol 2, Language Science Press. With Margit Bowler
The appendix to this paper can be found here.
- To appear (with Aron Finholt) A Corpus Study of Swahili's Dual Complementizer System. Proceedings of ACAL 51/52
- 2023 (with Margit Bowler) Epistemic Marking on Nouns in Nyala East in Proceedings of TripleA 7.
- 2022 (with Aron Finholt) Reason and result in Kinyamulenge in Proceedings of TripleA 8.
- 2021. Epistemic Parallels between Nouns and Clauses. In Proceedings of the 38th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Rachel Soo et al., 201-210. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. www.lingref.com, document #3565.
- 2021 (with Margit Bowler) Cross-categorial gradability in Logoori. In Joseph Rhyne, Kaelyn Lamp, Nicole Dreier, and Chloe Kwan (eds) Proceedings of SALT 30.
- 2019 Iterative-Reciprocal Polysemy in Logoori Proceedings of TripleA 5, M. Ryan Bochnak, Miriam Butt, Erlinde Meertens, Mark-Mathias Zymla, eds. Universität Tübingen
- 2019 The Natural Class of Tough-Predicates, and Non-finite Clauses Proceedings of WCCFL 36, Richard Stockwell, Maura O'Leary, Zhongshi Xu, Z.L. Zhou, eds. Cascadilla
- 2017 (with Margit Bowler) Intensifying Ideophones in three Luhya languages, Proceedings of Triple A4, Vera Hohaus and Wanda Rothe, eds.
- 2017 (with Margit Bowler) Expletive Agreement, Evidentiality, and Modality in Logooli, Proceedings of SALT 26, Austin, TX.
- 2016 Non-causative causatives in K’iche’. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Structure and Constituency in the Lnaguages of the Americas 20. University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics 43. Emily Sadlier-Brown, Erin Gruntly and Natalie Weber (eds.)
- 2016 Decomposing Morphological Number in Local Contexts Proceedings of the 33rd West Coast Conference of Formal Linguistics. Kyeong-min Kim, Pocholo Umbal, Trevor Block, Queenie Chan, Tanie Cheng, Kelli Finney, Mara Katz, Sophie Nickel-Thompson, and Lisa Shorten, eds. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project
- 2015 Some causative alternations in K'iche' and a unified syntactic derivation, Proceedings of BLS 41
- 2012 (with Gene Buckley) Syntax and Prosody in Kashaya Phrasal Accent, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 18: Iss. 1, Article 4.
- 2024 Copular Complementizers. Bantu 10. University of Dar Es Salaam. August 12-14.
- 2024 Prolepsis and Complementizers in Tshiluba. Annual Conference of African Linguistics, McGill University, May 2-4.
- 2024 Proleptic Objects are Identificational Subjects. LSA 98 in New York, NY. Jan 4
- 2023 (with Peace Benson) A Description of Relative Clauses in Dzə. 2nd Adamawa Conference, September, LLACAN.
- 2023 (with Philip Duncan and Peace Benson) Contrastive focus and low verb doubling in Dzə. SASAL III, Frankfurt, Germany.
- 2023 Towards a Typology of Bantu Complementizers. The Annual Conference of African Linguistics at the University of Connecticut. June 13. [See supplementary handout for more examples and discussion.]
- 2023 (with Cyprian Vumilia) Predicate Focus in Embedded Clauses in Kisubi. BaSIS Workshop on Information Structure at the University of Leiden. [See our supplementary handout for more examples and discussion.]
- 2022 (with Andrew Collins). Closest Conjunct Agreement in Spanish Coordinates: Interleaving the syntax with the post-syntax. at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Arizona State University.
- 2022 (with Amer Asiri) Situation and Individual Specificity in Tihami Arabic. TripleALFA 2022.
- 2022 (alternate; with Aron Finholt) Evidentiality and Modality in the Mashi complementizer system. TripleAFLA 2022.
- 2022 Copulas and Complementizers in Kinyamulenge. DGfS Workshop: Long distance dependencies and the structure of embedded clauses in African languages.
- 2022. (With Stephanie Born, Aron Finholt, Jack Foster, and Lucy Whittington). Non-Verbal Predication in Kihavu (JD52). ACAL 53 at the University of California, San Diego.
- 2022 (with Aron Finholt) Complementizer and relative belief: on Swahili complementizer variation. Poster at 96th LSA. Washington, DC.
- 2021 (with Aron Finholt) "Reason and Result in Kinyamulenge" at TripleA 8 at the National University of Singapore
- 2021 [postponed from 2020] "On the Distribution of Expletive Markers in Nyala East" at Bantu8, Essex
- 2021 (with Aron Finholt) "A corpus analysis of the Swahili's dual-complementizer system" at ACAL 51/52, Rutgers/University of Florida
- 2020 (with Margit Bowler) "Polysemy and Degree Scales in Logoori" at SALT 30
- 2020 (with Margit Bowler) "Epistemic Marking on Nouns in Nyala East" at TripleA 7, Tübingen
- 2020 "Epistemic parallels between nouns and clauses" at WCCFL 38, UBC
- 2019 (with Margit Bowler) "Polysemy and degree scales in Logoori" at TripleA 6, at MIT (handout)
- 2019 (with Margit Bowler) "A polysemous gradable modifier in Logoori" at ACAL 50, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (handout)
- 2019 "Reflexivity and Reciprocity in Competition in Logoori'' at GLOW 42, Oslo. (poster) and (handout)
- 2018 "The natural class of tough-predicates, and non-finite clauses" at WCCFL 36, UCLA.
- 2018 "Reciprocal and Plural Events in Logoori" at ACAL 49, UMich
- 2018 "The syntax, semantics, and morphology of plural and reciprocal events in Logoori," University of Kansas (invited talk). (4-up version)
- 2017 (with Margit Bowler) "Intensifying Ideophones in Three Luhya Languages" AAA 4, University of Gothenberg, July 11
- 2017 (with Margit Bowler, Michael Diercks, Maurice Sifuna, and Kelvin Alulu) "A typological study of modality in Luhya languages." ACAL 48. Bloomington, IN. (Appendix)
- 2017 (with Margit Bowler) "Intensifying Ideophones in Three Luhya Languages." ACAL 48. Bloomington, IN.
- 2017 (with Jesse Harris and Marju Kaps) "Sloppy on the road to strict? Stereotypical gender and the interpretation of VP Ellipsis." at CUNY 30, Boston, MA.
- 2017 (with Margit Bowler, Michael Diercks, and Maurice Sifuna) “Modality in Luyia: A typological study” (poster) Linguistic Society of America. Austin, Texas. (handout and poster)
- 2016 (with Margit Bowler) "Expletive Agreement, Evidentiality, and Modality in Logooli", SALT 26, Austin Texas
- 2016 "Intervention in Tough-Movement: A semantic analysis". GLOW 39: Workshop on Perspectivization, Göttingen, Germany
- 2016 (with Margit Bowler) "Expletive Agreement, Evidentiality, and Modality in Logooli", ACAL 46, Berkeley, CA
- 2016 "Taking Time in Logooli", ACAL 46, Berkeley, CA
- 2016 "Taking Time with Tough-Movement", LSA, Washington D.C.
- 2015 (with Margit Bowler), "Existential Quantification in Logoori: distribution and semantics of ku", Kyoto, Japan, August 21-24
- 2015 "Decomposing Morphological Number in Local Contexts", WCCFL 33, Simon Fraser University, March 27
- 2015 (with Margit Bowler) "Transitivity Alternations in Logoori", ACAL 46, University of Oregon, March 26
- 2015 "Some Causative Alternations in K'iche'" Berkeley Linguistics Society 41, Berkeley, CA, February 8
- 2015 "Non-Causative Causatives in K'iche'", WSCLA 20, University of Arizona, January 23
- 2015 "Taking Time with TAKE and TIME", UCLA's Syn/Sem, January 16
- 2014 Getting Rid of Number Features (poster), MorphologyFest, Indiana University, June 16-20
- 2014 External Applicatives and Raising-to-Object/ECM 38th Penn Linguistics Colloquium, March 28-30, 2014
- 2011 (with Gene Buckley) Syntax and Prosody in Kashaya Phrasal Accent 35th Penn Linguistics Colloquium, March 18-20, 2011
My dissertation, Perspectives on Syntactic Dependencies (UCLA 2018), explores how intensional semantics constrains antecedent-gap chains. The broad focus is on defective intervention, which I investigate narrowly through the lens of the tough-construction. You can download the full text here: Full Dissertation. Below is a brief summary of the chapters, for ease of reference.
- Chapter 1: A snapshot of the states-of-the-art of both defective intervention and the tough-construction.
- Chapter 2: A new generalization: only attitude holders are defective interveners. Why?
- Chapter 3: An syntactico-semantic account of the tough-construction.
- Chapter 4: Future directions and unsolved problems.